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The Most Popular is the Custom Weight Loss Program, that includes the concept that
 you can still eat the foods you love and lose weight.

Alan's Weight Loss Program really works.

Not a diet, but a Mindful Eating practice to rethink How you eat the foods you do, and ways to kick in your body's metabilism to burn excess away that takes no excercise or special diet.

OR the Lap Band/Gastric Bypass  hypnosis instead of surgery... HYPNOBAND®

All the benefits of a surgical lap-band, gastric band, without the surgery or cost.  THIS IS the Best fast weight loss. The mind accepts that you have a gastric band fitted so your stomach is very small, you feel full faster, so you eat less.” 

–John MaClean




Watch a potato chip (crisp) being set on fire, in a British accent.


or the Weight Loss Program with lapband hypnosis
Hey, everyone who eats
potato chips.;
Watch one set on fire...! 

“Alan Barsky is exceptional.  He has helped me and a number of friends of mine for weight loss, anxiety and sleep.


Call me and I will tell you how good he is" 


Neil Adelman

NAIL biting
Hair Pulling
Skin picking

Mindfulness Training

Certified Clinical Hypnotherapist

for over 15 years.


Co-author of four books on Hypnosis and Hypnotherapy.

Nationally known speaker and seminar leader across America

“I didn’t know  Hypnotherapy could make me feel so much better about myself.

I feel good and self-confident.


—Carol 0‘Brien, 
   Graphic Designer

" I Quit Smoking!"


Me?  I never thought I could. Amazing first session did the trick and really got to me to succeed in a highly personal way.


That was what I needed."

Matt Danito, Attorney

“I now fall asleep easier and more importantly, get right back to sleep if I awaken in the middle of the night.

Marlene Alexander,
Interior Designer

Watch Alan Barsky speak about Anxiety and Hypnotherapy

Alan Barsky has owned HypnotherapyMarin since 1999

"The definitive book on hypnosis is the Bible. "And God put Adam into a deep sleep". It never indicates that he awakened him. We become awakened by searching, asking and using our knowledge. Another saying goes, "As a man thinketh in his heart so is he". That's it-the secret to the meaning of life. As You Think. That is the condition of your life. You, as hypnotist, change the key and change the condition. People come to us already hypnotized. We de-hypnotize them".



My Mentor,

Sol Lewis, Director, Michigan Hypnosis Institute

“I felt better
as soon
as I spoke
with Alan
on the phone.​

My sessions were productive and valuable. This works.”   

Carol Adel, Sausalito

IBS Relief
Get help for Irritable Bowel
Is your stomach in knots?
I can help.


• Private sessions

• Ebooks

• Recordings







End the shame of IBS

"Your take-home from your work with Alan, is a combination of emotional foregiveness, and physical responsiblity".    

Douglas Rosestone, Redwood City

Activate your imagination

International National Memberships, 

Certifications & Professional Training

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© 2025 5by Alan Barsky.

Mindful Hypnotherapy Marin, HYPNOTHERAPY IN MARIN COUNTY.  

DBA HypnotherapyMarin©  since 1999, ©2025 by Alan Barsky

All rights reserved. Email to ask for permission to use quotations

Location: MILL VALLEY CA 94941 Marin County, California, USA

We practice Kintsugi: 

The  Japanese Art of becoming stronger through being repaired.

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