Choose a hypnotherapist with solid testimonials from satisfied clients, like below

Here is what clients say about working with Alan Barsky
• I let go of my anxiety and stress
" I listened to your whole audio recording and it was AMAZING! I absolutely loved it. I felt so relaxed when I finished. I didn't want to open my eyes but I had to get ready for work. I really enjoyed the part about my negative thoughts melting and evaporating. It is a good way to explain that it is important to pay attention to my negative thoughts and let them melt away and evaporate by placing them somewhere warm in my mind, instead of ignoring them and pretending they don't exist by distracting myself with other thoughts. Also, I liked the part about living in the moment and being in control of my thoughts. This audio is so powerful. I love how deserving I feel for my strong breaths today. It feels great! I'm excited to listen to it again before bed. Thank you Alan! I'm so happy to have met you :)
S.S., Hair Stylist 23 years old, Mill Valley
• Local Photographer loses weight and gains self-confidence
“Alan is a wise soul who uses active listening to determine how to best work with a client. He customizes the message exactly to the client and provides clients with a CD/recording after each meeting so you can continue to build on the benefits of each session. I have worked with him on several issues; as I strongly believe in the power of the mind, and the need to access that power at a subconscious level for best results. Currently I have worked with him on weight loss, and found it easier to stick with the plan than with any previous diet. He has also helped my self-confidence and jaw clenching TMJ. High integrity. Great results.”
Jeanette Vonier, Fine Arts Photography, San Anselmo, Marin County, California
• LOST WEIGHT: “I lost 15 pounds and the fat under my chin went away”.
F. Topln, Attorney, Kentfield, Marin County (now in Australia)
“Alan, I lost 67 pounds, since I’ve worked with you! I feel better and happier.”
Sam Sashin, Financial Marketing Director, Charles Schwab, Tiburon, Marin County
• 6 years later, seeing Sam in a grocery store: "67 pounds in that one year and look, I have kept it off for years!"
“My visits with you have helped me stay with my diet. People ask me what I've done to lose weight and I always explain that the hypnosis was the key factor.”
Maureen K., Attorney, San Rafael, CA
• Getting Good Results and staying on track
“I need to xx xxx. Is there any chance we can meet from 3:00-4:30 instead? If not, then we will have to skip a week, but I would rather not. I am having good results with the weight loss.”
R. A. Architect, San Rafael, CA
• Irritable Bowel Syndrome:
“Less IBS!! Your treatment was a real FIX!! I'm feeling so much better!!”
Helen C., President, Corporate Branding, Greenbrae, CA
• Confidential Sessions:
“Alan is very conscientious about confidentiality, and I can trust him.”
S., San Francisco, Graphic Artist
• WEIGHT LOST: “Ummmm, I’ve lost 40 pounds already and I feel so much better about myself."
15 year old, male, Larkspur, Marin County
• Help with my job interviews
“I found a great job and I have been so happy! I start xxx. It’s right off BART so I don't even have to drive any more. I think I have eliminated about 90% of the stress in my life.
Actually, I went on several great interviews and was offered a job at each one. It blew me away-- next time I hesitate in a situation like this, I am going to remember that if I just go for it, it's going to work out. Your hypnotherapy sessions helped a lot. I really did feel relaxed and like myself when I interviewed. My fear of the fear was worse than just walking into an office and shaking hands and blabbing about myself. It makes me laugh that I just did it and it was so easy! The best thing is that I think if this job doesn't work out (and I think it will) I won't face this old hinderance of fearing job interviews ever again.
Thank you so much for helping me face this. This time in my life was so hard. I really felt like I had no where to turn. I really pulled through though. What a relief.“
Sandra, Legal Secretary, Berkeley, CA
• Relationships and Communication
My daughter and I have made up and are talking again. Thank you for your advice. It was exactly right and it worked.
M.A.C., Hair Stylist, Mill Valley, Marin County, California 94941
• Finally, I am FEELING SAFE
“That was a very, very powerful session we did last time, thank you for creating a safe place for my heart.” See you on Wednesday,
Lisa C., MFT, San Rafael, Marin County, California
• I Get Stuff Done, now
“Alan, you’re an Emotional Magician! I went from feeling I was out of control, to being in control of my life, by changing my perception. I am getting so much accomplished now. Like you say, it happened AUTOMAGICALLY.”
Ashley S., Real Estate Agent
• Hardly any Panic Attacks anymore. What a relief!
“I haven’t had a panic attack since I last saw you. I can feel them coming on, but I think of what we worked on and I just start to think differently.
Carol Feld, mother of two children, both under 5 years old
• I am OK Crossing Bridges
“Alan, you made it possible for me to drive across bridges without my former panic attacks. Thank you.”
Karen Carson, Commercial Real Estate
• Real Self-Confidence
“You never cease to amaze. I am truly grateful you crossed my path. Thank you for your kindness”.
Jennifer. C., Administrative Assistant, Sausalito, Marin
• Public Speaking
“Hi Alan. Thanks! I felt fantastic – confident and happy and healthy since I saw you on Monday. I gave my speech this morning and it went very well. I never thought I would ever learn public speaking, and yet, I did it! Each session gave me an additional empowerment.”
Michael R., Ross, Marin County
• Self-Confidence Back after being fired from job
“Wow, need to take credit for most of this confidence. It was always there but the reinforcement and restatement from you meant absolutely everything.”
Rachel K., Major Account Manager, Healthcare Corporation
“I didn’t realize how much better I felt until I got home and all that chaos whirled around me and I felt OK. That is a big change. I can’t wait to see you again.”
Jane Woods, Foundation Directer, Ross, Marin County
• Worked out un-resolved issues
“Alan is a good listener. Alan exudes confidence and is as down to earth as you can get. He listens and helps you harness the power of your subconscious mind to accomplish wonders: lose weight, work out unresolved issues or just to help you access and use of the power of your subconscious mind to work for you. I have known Alan in business group settings and in-person and found him to be pleasant, relaxed, and respected by all for his wit and ease of engagement. And he is very discreet”.
Lamine Elabed -President, Handyman Network, Novato, Marin County
• WOW! “All I can say is WOW! Yesterday was by far one of the most empowering things I've done in my life and I can only imagine what is to come from all this work we have to do. I thank you.
Lina FInitori, Tiburon, Marin County
• Now living in Ohio. We still have a few sessions a year and meet over Skype-Zoom
“Alan, You are an angel. Our session is one of the most important parts of my recovery. Deeply and profoundly life changing and healing. The divine is working through you. Thank-you from the bottom of my heart,”
Rita, A ballerina, dancer and actress, San Rafael
• Remove old bad feelings
"Speaking about help, I kept having "flashbacks" to our session. I could feel that burned back page mental debris was the excess weightiness I've been carrying around for about 48 years. Whenever thoughts of self-doubt crept in, I remember our session about my strengths ...brilliant work”
Steve Bhaerman, Performer/Author, Swami Beyondananda, Santa Rosa
• My life is transformed
"Thanks to Alan, I am free of several gripping and life-threatening addictions, and I am now experiencing the sweetness of my life, expressing my love to others, and most importantly, loving myself .
I believe that Alan Barsky is a true healer and wise teacher. He guided me through a life-transforming series of hypnotherapy sessions that spiritually resurrected my self-image and instilled in me a new confidence and perspective on every aspect of my life. He put my train back on the track."
Steve Wagner Television Host/Producer, San Francisco
• Each session was so much more than I expected
“My kids tell me that My Life has gotten so much better since seeing you. My kids would never have described me before as being ‘cheerful and optimistic’.”
Rivka Coleman, San Rafael, Marin County
• Support Growth and Transformation
Thank you… most wonderful, fluid, inspired, creative, beautiful hypnosis session to support my path of growth & healing. I am so appreciative of your caring support.”
Dru Isanda, Hypnotherapist, San Francisco
• I did so much better in my class, at college
“Thank you, Alan for hypnosis over the phone. It worked. I am now the star and head of the class.”
Lourdes Billingsley, Advanced Bikram Yoga in L.A.
• Sleep Soundly
“I slept every night since I went to you last”.
Neil Adelman, Industrial Food Buyer, Mill Valley, CA 94941 Marin County
“Don’t know how it came about or anything, but i have been feeling exceedingly confident and just pleased as peach to be myself. Thanks for your support, and we should set up another set of sessions! Thanks!“
Peter Kassel. Film maker, New York City, 24 years old
• Stoped Biting My Nails
“Like you said, I simply ‘forget’ to bite my nails”.
Carol Hotchkins, Business Consultant
• Thank you HypnotherapyMarin, Alan Barsky!
"Your take home is a combination of emotional forgiveness, and physical resposnibility.
I endorse HypnotherapyMarin."
Olivia Rosestone, Life Coach/Relationships , Redwood City, . (650) 260-2249
• Thank you for recording our sessions, so I can listen to them again and again
"Ah - thanks Alan - that will get me through! I have been listening to your tapes - about 5 times a week - mostly before I go to bed, but sometimes in the afternoon when I am feeling sort of scared. See you again soon... “
T.W., Legal Secretary, San Rafael, Marin County
• Not Smoking
“Still not smoking cigarettes, which is very satisfying and I appreciate your help.“
Andrew F. Landscaper, San Rafael, Marin County
• Not Smoking
“Why would I want a cigarette??? I'm not a smoker. It's going great. I want a cigarette but I don't need one. Got the session recording ok. thx”
Carl W. Software Engineer, Corte Madera, Marin County
• I Quit Smoking immediately
“Now, when I think of smoking or someone asks me if I want a cigarette, I just think ‘I don’t do that anymore, and I am done with it. It is very simple.”
Leslie K., CEO, financial services, Tiburon, Marin County
• Quit Smoking, finally
“I stopped smoking many times before. It’s been 2004 since I’ve seen you and I keep forgetting to smoke. I don’t know how you do it, or rather how I do it. It’s as confusing as amazing”.
Carl Rosen, CEO, San Francisco
• “Dude it's been over a month, my first day of not smoking was August 25th.”
• FOLLOW-UP 1 year later: “It’s still sweet. No cigs. No ashtray smell.”
Sam E., carpenter, San Rafael, Marin County
• Quit Smoking in steps
“Thank you so much I could not have done it with out your help. The welbutrin helped me quit the last four I was having daily, but you helped me get to through the tough stuff and that was instrumental in my quitting. From 30 a day to 4 a day, who would have ever thought? It was the first step to my long drawn out process of quitting.
I no longer say I'm trying to quit, or I'm in the process of quitting. Even better, I don't say I'm down to only 4 a day from 30. Today I don't smoke. I am a non smoker.
Thank you again! You helped me find the courage to become a non smoker.”
L.P., advertising executive, Mill Valley, Marin County
• Not Smoking for two years, now want to lose weight
“I'd like to see you again for some reinforcement. To remind you, I'm the gal you successfully got to quit smoking 2 years ago but now have issues with eating/weight. Greek, engaged, family pressures, etc. When can I make an appointment?”
R. A., Attorney, San Francisco
• Changed my life
“You were very helpful. In particular, you told me something that changed my entire life..." E.F., Insurance Agent, Larkspur, Marin County
• I Looked Ten Years Younger after our first session!
“Right after the session with you, I saw my wife and she said I looked ten years younger.”
R.W., Film and Video producer
• I Recommend Alan
“Alan Barsky is a brilliant and intuitive healer. Sessions with him changed my life. I highly recommend him to anyone who wants to change and heal.”
Sandy Cohn, MMFT, Marin County
• Recommended
 • 2010 “Alan is a great hypnotist and talented public speaker, and I'd like to recommend him beyond those capacities. Alan is a great mind and a wonderful person. I have met thousands of hypnotists over my decade in the industry, and I can truly say that I consider Alan to be one of the smartest and approachable among them. Alan gets it. When I attended his lectures I watched him closely and paid attention to his style and methods. His methodologies are well thought out and have a wit about them that is rarely seen. He has an engaging personality and connects with his audience. In conversation, his sincerity and levity are both palpable. I would trust Alan Barsky to work with me or any member of my family. His intellect alone makes him unique, his integrity puts him in an even higher category.”
Scott Sandland, Certified Clinical Hypnotherapist, Goal Oriented Hypnotherapy, Los Angeles, California, .
• 2018 Scott Sandland: Now owner of world's largest hypnosis conference, in Las Vegas, annually
Alan Barsky has presented Workshops each year since the beginning: on Medical Support hypnosis, Helping your clients with effective weight loss, Trichotillomania, Irritable Bowel Syndrome, and Anxiety
• Recommended by the World's Greatest Hypnotist!
“Alan is truly a wonderful human being and an exceptional hypnotist.”
Dr. Dave Hill, Las Vegas, Nevada,
• Thank You Alan
Here is my public THANK YOU! to Alan Barsky and Michael Ellner for the gift of their "Make a Fist" Emotional Detox Technique.
I have personally found their technique to be extremely effective in dissipating unwanted feelings and it has not only recently greatly enhanced my mood, it has also allowed my body to FINALLY begin to release some unwanted weight.
Kelly Woods, Clinical Hypnotherapist, Mt. Vernon, Washington
Private, Confidential, Hypnotherapy Sessions,
Mindfullness-Based Stress Management
in Mill Valley, Marin County, California 94941 USA
HypnotherapyMarin since 1999